10.0 僵尸
2013 恐怖,恐怖片簡介:曾經憑借僵尸片紅極一時的動作明星錢小豪(錢小豪 飾)事業和人生跌入谷底,他帶著隨身家當入住一棟破敗老舊的公寓經保安燕叔(盧海鵬 飾)指引,走進了傳說的兇宅2442單元。小豪懸梁自盡,誰知命懸一線之際遭遇猛鬼纏身,多得隱世道長阿友(陳友 飾)出手方撿回一條命。小豪對白發 男孩小白及經常在2442門口窺視并吃祭祀食物的女人楊鳳(惠英紅 飾)感到好奇,進而從燕叔口中得知了當年曾發生的一起血腥慘案。同大廈的冬叔(吳耀漢 飾)不慎跌死,冬叔的老婆梅姨(鮑起靜 飾)求專修邪法的阿九(鐘發 飾)幫其還魂,但釀成不可逆轉的悲劇。生生死死,死死生生,愛戀貪欲引出無限煩惱。僵尸猛鬼,趁夜橫行…… -
5.0 寂靜之夜
2024 恐怖簡介: Lucjan is a theatre actor whose health is failing. He forgets his lines on stage and feels confused and out of place in his daily life. He decides to end his acting career and soon winds up in a nursing home. In this new place, the elderly man misses his late wife. He starts having nightmares that seem to become real. In one of them, he discovers a passage into a magical world deceptively similar to his theatre. Lucjan starts living in two parallel dimensions – real life and the fairy tale – that become increasingly dependent on each other and intertwined. His immersion in the imaginary world leads to an unexpected ending. A bittersweet treatise on passing. The fairy-tale world Lucjan creates is not so much a metaphor for death as a symbolic reconciliation to its coming. -
2.0 世界奇妙物語2024冬季特別篇
4.0 殺死愛人
2024 恐怖簡介: When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a creature with increased aggression, a touch that melts skin and worst of all, he's contagious. -
5.0 惡靈旅店
10.0 道具師