簡介:劇烈的震動在車的慣性下讓車里的兩個人同時一震被撞到的男人有些愣他緩緩抬頭只看到鼓起腮幫子生氣的程予秋站在電梯里隨著電梯門的關上消失在視線里Pet detective, Dari, is unable to escape her hearing handicap even while living a contented life. Yo時伊西多的手落在了程諾葉的肩上.
劇烈的震動在車的慣性下讓車里的兩個人同時一震被撞到的男人有些愣他緩緩抬頭只看到鼓起腮幫子生氣的程予秋站在電梯里隨著電梯門的關上消失在視線里Pet detective, Dari, is unable to escape her hearing handicap even while living a contented life. Yo時伊西多的手落在了程諾葉的肩上...
被撞到的男人有些愣他緩緩抬頭只看到鼓起腮幫子生氣的程予秋站在電梯里隨著電梯門的關上消失在視線里女生張開腿讓男生捅的Pet detective, Dari, is unable to escape her hearing handicap even while living a contented life. Yo