Skylar Astin飾演女主同事兼好友Max﹑Alex Newell飾演Mo,女主的隨和鄰居﹑John Clarence Stewart飾演女主工作的科技公司銷售助理Simon。Mary Steenburgen飾演女主母親Maggie,她試圖維系好家庭﹑Peter Gallagher飾演女主父親Mitch。 Lauren Graham飾演主管科技公司的科技界女性先驅Joan。
8.0 暗地深仇
10.0 低俗怪談:天使之城
2.0 我們的父輩
2013 歐美簡介: 1941年,德軍準備入侵蘇聯(lián),德國男青年Wilhelm和他的弟弟Friedhelm響應希特勒的號召應征入伍,即將奔赴前線。女青年Charlotte立志為國家服務,成了一名女護士,也將前往戰(zhàn)場救助傷員。女青年Greta美麗活潑,歌聲動人,她希望有朝一日成為一名女歌星。她的情人是一個猶太人Viktor,他是一名裁縫的兒子。五人是最好的朋友,他們在啟程的前夜載歌載舞,喝酒慶祝,約定圣誕節(jié)再相聚。 分離之前,他們都是意氣風發(fā)的年輕人;分離之后,他們的命運便和這場戰(zhàn)爭緊緊聯(lián)系在一起。對于這一輩的德國人來說,這是他們的父輩、他們的母輩對于這場戰(zhàn)爭的記憶。 -
7.0 無人生還
3.0 奇幻沼澤第二季
5.0 超級保姆第六季
1998 歐美簡介: On Fran and Maxwell's honeymoon aboard the yacht, Fran falls overboard and Maxwell jumps in to rescue her. They manage to make it to a deserted island. There, they have some good times and bad times in their survival, but the worst ends up being a poisonous bite that Maxwell receives. He thinks he's going to die, but luckily for him, Fran watched daytime television in the past which gave her the necessary skills to tend to his illness. Meanwhile, they are noticed missing when the yacht docked at its first port without them. The Sheffield kids, Sylvia and Niles fear the worst. After a week of the Coast Guard not being able to locate any sign of Fran and Maxwell dead or alive, C.C. decides to take matters into her own hands.