故事發(fā)生在一間大超市之中,在陳列在此的商品間,流傳著一個古老的傳說,某一日,那位名為“顧客”的上帝會現(xiàn)身此處,把你帶回家,從此你將登上人生的巔峰,享受無上的榮光。香腸弗蘭克(塞斯·羅根 Seth Rogen 配音)和他的女友熱狗面包布蘭達(克里斯汀·韋格 Kristen Wiig 配音)最大的愿望,就是能被同一位顧客買回家,這樣方可以過上向往已久的“合體”生活。然而,一瓶曾經(jīng)被顧客買走之后又被退回超市的蜂蜜芥末(丹尼·麥克布耐德 Danny McBride 配音)卻道出了事件的真相,那就是,根本不存在什么上帝,也并沒有天堂,等待著它們的,有的只有殘忍的生吞活剝,骨肉分離。為了驗證蜂蜜芥末的話,弗蘭克找到了神秘的龍舌蘭酒(比爾·哈德爾 Bill Hader 配音),與此同時,因為意外而跌落貨架滾至別處的布蘭達亦和同樣遭遇的貝果薩米(愛德華·諾頓 Edward Norton 配音)、亞美尼亞薄餅拉瓦西(大衛(wèi)·克魯霍爾特茲 David Krumholtz 配音)一起,尋找回家的路。?豆
6.0 父愁者聯(lián)盟
1.0 唐探1900
5.0 女人裙下
6.0 搖擺de婚約
7.0 師弟出馬
5.0 奪寶冒險王
2023 喜劇簡介:Joe Bell is a penny-pinching hermit saving for the day when his real life will begin. One day he's offered a chest filled with treasure by a cryptic old man known as, "The Clockmaker." After giving the chest to Joe, the Clockmaker "accidentally" locks the chest. Joe must now go on a series of wacky & diverse adventures to find the key. Each adventure is a different genre. There are 15 genres in the film, including action-adventure, comedy, Western, romance, science-fiction, film noir, musical, and more. Joe is finally living life instead of saving. He makes new friends along the way and eventually finds the key on the necklace of a beautiful young woman named Abbey. He falls for her at first sight. However, his desires for her and the treasure are in direct conflict. After another series of dangerous adventures to save Abbey's life and recover the key, he must choose between the two.