2.0 末時
1.0 宇宙之門
8.0 大話天仙
2014 喜劇,奇幻,古裝,科幻,科幻片簡介:美若天仙的許金凌(孫儷 飾)擁有絕贊琴藝,傳說她曾和一位神仙學琴,其琴聲可以讓聽者毫無掩飾說出心聲金凌所在的趙府為女兒的婚事大宴賓朋,但是高傲的金凌當眾讓專橫跋扈的趙夫人(郭德綱 飾)出丑。趙夫人惱羞成怒,將其下嫁給丑陋不堪、窮困潦倒的毛大龍(林雪 飾)。毛大龍和義弟毛松(鄭伊健 飾)相依為命,新婚當夜,金凌窺探毛松的心事,發(fā)現(xiàn)自己似乎在十八年前和他有一段未了因緣。與此同時,花花公子施文勝(鄭中基 飾)覬覦金凌的美貌,與表姐趙夫人暗中勾結,合謀給毛大龍下套。哥哥被抓,嫂嫂被搶,萬念俱灰的毛松決心赴死,卻在危急關頭遇見兩個外星人,他的命運由此發(fā)生轉變…… -
3.0 愛我2024
3.0 盜墓迷城3(普通話)
2008 動作,冒險,奇幻,科幻片,科幻簡介:1947年,中國寧夏。中國兩千年前的始皇帝:龍帝之墓在此挖掘出土。同時在美國,大探險家歐康諾(Brendan Fraser飾)與夫人伊芙琳(Maria Bello飾)應邀,將傳說中能帶來永生的寶石“香格里拉之眼”送往中國,以示中美兩國人民友誼長存。 不料,國民黨軍官(黃秋生飾)卻和博物館館長勾結,當場搶走香格里拉之眼,繼而喚醒了兩千年前的邪惡力量——龍帝(李連杰飾),此時的龍帝不僅可以借助五行之力施暴,還可以變身為各種怪物涂炭天下生靈。 歐康諾一家奮力與龍帝和他身后龐大的兵馬俑隊伍展開戰(zhàn)斗,千年圣女紫媛(楊紫瓊飾)與其女林娜(梁洛施飾)也入盟此支神圣的隊伍,以期消滅龍帝,還世界以和平。?豆 -
3.0 機器鬧鬼
1993 科幻簡介:Karl Hochman, a technician in a computer shop, is also "The Address-Book Killer", who obtains the names of his victims from stolen address-books. Terry Munroe and her son Josh come into the store to price software, and a salesman uses Terry's address-book to demonstrate a hand-held scanner. Karl obtains the file, and while driving to Terry's house that night in a heavy electrical storm, his car runs off the road and lands upside down in a cemetery. While Karl is undergoing a CAT scan at the hospital, a surge of lightning courses through the building, and Karl's mind is transformed into electrical energy. Karl uses the electrical grid and computer networks to continue his killing-spree.